Meeting Minutes 2020

Jan 2020 Meeting Minutes
14 people in attendance. The treasurer’s report was received, and members were reminded that dues of $25 are due for the new year. The election of new officers for the year was discussed, but not decided. An informal gathering for the Guild was also discussed: its location, date, time. No consensus was reached.
Author Deborah Raney presented her talk, My Journey: 25 Years as a Published Writer. She spoke of her whole journey and especially about the evolution of a single book, her first, which has been through multiple publishers, covers, languages, and also turned into a movie. A single book being republished multiple times, and updated, and being turned into a different sort of media like a movie was very interesting.
Q&A time followed. 11:30 end of meeting.
Feb 2020 Meeting Minutes
9 members in attendance. Officers for the year were officially elected: Carlee Criddle as President and Social Media/Advertising Admin, Greg Stout as VP, Marcie Upchurch as Secretary, Mary Ann Featherston as Treasurer.
The treasurer’s report was received. An update on the Anthology was given. All writers then discussed any questions they had concerning their writing process. Some writers read short pieces of their work.
Ideas for future meeting topics came up: how to network at a writing conference, how to introduce an elevator pitch, how to find an agent, how to find a publisher.
11:30 end of meeting.
Sept 2020 Meeting Minutes
No treasurer’s report. Informal meeting outside at Greg’s due to Covid cautiousness. (Cape Girardeau Public Library still does not have their meeting rooms available.) Everyone brought pieces of their writing to be shared and critiqued by others. We passed these around to everyone since it was a small group, and then discussed any suggested changes. We also just visited for a while.
Oct. 2020 Meeting Minutes
Joint meeting with the Heartland Writers’ Guild at Jackson City Park. A member of their Guild gave a presentation, and we all visited.
Nov 2020-Jan 2021 *** NO MEETINGS ***(COVID)
The Library was still not allowing their rooms to be used, and it was too cold to meet outside.