Our Author's Spotlight
The Author Showcase is our special on-line feature which is dedicated to the Members of the SEMO Writers Guild. Authors who are looking to gain immediate visibility and publicity for their works and providing access to purchase their creations. You would also gain valuable back-links to your online presence. (Requirements Below)
Gregory Stout

Greg’s background includes 27 years as an executive in the automotive industry and twelve years as a teacher of American history, language arts, reading, drama, film criticism and Latin in the public school system in suburban Chicago. He holds a BA in economics from the University of Kansas and a Master of Arts in education from Aurora University. Learn more at www.GregoryStoutAuthor.com
Gideon’s Ghost, his first work of fiction, was drawn from actual experiences that took place during an extended visit with relatives in a small town in Missouri during the mid-1960s. It is a book written for young adult readers, which, not coincidentally, was the age group he taught during his “second career.” he has written more than 20 books on the history of American railroads. Watch for “Conner’s War” coming in July!
Coming Soon!

Deborah Raney
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DEBORAH RANEY's first novel, A Vow to Cherish, inspired the World Wide Pictures film of the same title and launched Deb's writing career. Forty books later, she's still creating stories that touch hearts and lives. A RITA Award, Carol Award, and National Readers Choice Award winner and three-time Christy Award finalist, Deb is a recent transplant to Missouri, having moved with her husband, Ken Raney, from their native Kansas. They love road trips, Friday garage sale dates, time with their kids and grandkids, and breakfast on the screened porch overlooking their wooded backyard. Learn more at www.deborahraney.com.
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Donald Jeffries

I Could Have Been One provides a look into the world Donald Wm. Jeffries was born into, raised, and grew up in through historical and political events of his life. We examine the world starting in the 1940s through our modern day and see how life was and what has changed. The history in which Jeffries has lived through has had a remarkable impact on his life and worldview, and we see this develop and change throughout the course of his journey. As the future comes speeding into view, with his lessons from the past we can start asking ourselves how we got here, what will become of our children's generation and their children's, and where are we headed? By beginning this discussion, we can have a better understanding of our current situation and face our realities, hopefully making better, brighter decisions for the future.
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Ariel O’Sulleabhain
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"Child book and young adult author Ariel O'Suilleabhain enjoys creating wholesome stories through books for children which both teach and entertain through fantasy. As a graduate of Media Communications from Webster University in St. Louis, MO. , she also studied writing at Southeastern Missouri State University. She has an imaginative fiction plethora of more and rather fantasial young adult books underway. Her Irish father always encouraged her to share her imagination through her art and writing."
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Robert Price

Robert is Member of the Institute of Residential Marketing (MIRM) combining 30 years of new home real estate and mortgage industry experience. As a Certified FICO Pro, I founded The Credit Score Institute to provide credit score solutions and help rebuild credit scores for home buyers.
My latest endeavor involves digital marketing strategies with clients from Chicago, Phoenix, San Antonio, Denver and the NYC Metro area. Most of my books are written for clients and some I co-author. Learn More visit
Coming Soon!

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Ralph Wayne Freer

Author Ralph Wayne Freer, a septuagenarian, resides on a Century Farm in Butler County, Missouri, Ralph is a Gemini, a retired educator, a veteran, a life-long artist, and the author of two additional self-published children's books: Piper's Posse (2017) and The Abbreviated Life and Times of Iggy Skunk (2018). As an artist, he enjoys creating new artsy stuff...most often colorful three-dimensional sculptures. His website is www.flyingfgallery.com. Only recently, Ralph was inspired to put his art into written form by writing humorous fictional children's stories. "Well, they're supposed to be funny," he adds. Ralph has two adult children, three grandchildren, and a very patient and loving wife, Gaëlle.
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Dr. Jacqueline Le Vaillant Byrne

Dr. Jacqueline Le Vaillant Byrne, born in Marchefroy, France on July 16, 1934, has assembled a collection of life stories that start prior to World War II and follow her all the way through to the present. She chronicles the myriad of experiences from both sides of the Atlantic with insights that reflect the personal as well as the historical events she has lived through. As a retired career educator with a doctorate in French Literature, she remains active with traveling and writing. Presently, she lives in Arizona and is looking forward to writing her next book in French.
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Mark Bliss

Mark Bliss is a veteran journalist, who spent more than three decades in the newspaper business, most of that time as a reporter for the Southeast Missourian daily newspaper in the Mississippi River city of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Throughout his career, he covered everything from politics to murder. He retired in 2019 and published his first Elmwood mystery novel, Foul Rising, in 2021, and his second, Grounded in Murder, in 2023.
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Barry Pfanstiel

Meet Heinrich Mendorf, a young man, who immigrates to America from his native Bavaria. Neither the transition to America nor to adulthood is easy. Along the way are questions of loyalty … to country, to family, to God.
The late 19th century is an age of progress. Scientific and technological breakthroughs, inventions, and productivity are transforming the world.
As a proud German-American and loyal to both countries, the arms race in Europe concerns him. Heinrich remains hopeful that mankind can resolve its differences … until Europe stumbles into the Great War. Experiencing the war in France as a translator for the Allies’ interrogation of German POWs shows Heinrich a world out of control, further thrown into chaos by the onslaught of the Spanish Flu.
Along his journey, he grapples with questions of God and mankind. If Man is the measure of all things, is God at best irrelevant?
The Author Showcase
The Author Showcase is our special on-line feature which is dedicated to the Members of the SEMO Writers Guild. Authors who are looking to gain immediate visibility and publicity for their works and providing access to purchase their creations. You would also gain valuable back-links to your online presence.
Author Showcase requirements:
Copies of 4 or less book covers
Link to access each book cover
Less than 100 word author's bio
Author’s picture
Membership Paid